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Gift of Giving to Seniors Christmas Card Campaign

Burns Lake Public Library 585 Government Street, Burns Lake, BC, Canada +1 more

Our 4th Annual Gift of Giving Christmas Card Campaign is set to begin on December 1! We invite community members of all ages to participate: - Write a Christmas card, letter, or create a piece of artwork for Seniors/Elders living in Tweedsmuir House, Carroll Cottage, Heritage Manor, or the Pines; - Drop off your creations […]


StoryWalk – The Biggest Snowman Ever! By Steven Kroll

Spirit Square 111 Flogum St, Burns Lake

The Biggest Snowman Ever! By Steven Kroll Illustrated by Jeni Bassett Celebrate Family Literacy Week with a snowy StoryWalk at Spirit Square from January 21-28, 2024! A Family Literacy Week 2024 Project Funded by: Bulkley Valley Credit Union


StoryWalk – Daniel Finds A Poem

Spirit Square 111 Flogum St, Burns Lake

April is National Poetry Month and to celebrate, Lakes Literacy and Burns Lake Public Library are installing a special StoryWalk featuring "Daniel Finds A Poem" by Micha Archer at Spirit Square Park from April 2-15, 2024. “What is poetry? The magical thing is that poetry is in everyone, and Daniel is on his way to […]


Poem in Your Pocket Day

Burns Lake Public Library 585 Government Street, Burns Lake, BC, Canada

April is National Poetry Month and one of the ways to celebrate is to participate in Poem in Your Pocket Day! Here's how you can join in on April 18: -Select a poem and print it out on paper; -Carry it with you; -Share it with others at school, work, the library, park, or coffee […]